Hi there, I'm Juan

My documented journey into technology

PDO (PHP Data Objects) the OOP alternative to database integration

I recently completed the build of a pure PHP CMS (well a little bit of Javascript in there too just for some client side assistance). As I continued to construct the logic for its server side data management, I came to really appreciate the usage of PDO over MySQLi (which is what I was using before).

OOP Crash Course for PHP

For the last few months, I’ve been learning about PHP, in order to understand, and work on a framework that relied on this language. Now PHP is not a full object oriented language like Ruby, it has a lot of procedural, and functional programming built into it. Which is interesting because I came from learning Ruby, which is hard core OOP, due thanks to the awesome teaching from Flatiron School.

Building a Ruby gem to learn about web scraping (Part 3)

In the previous part, I showed how I built a sqlite3 integration into my Ruby methods, so that I could build a database to store my scraped content. In this section, I’m going to build up the differentiation between the classes that store information, that is based on user choice. If you’d like to check out Part 2 before continuing, please click here.

Building a Ruby gem to learn about web scraping (Part 2)

Last I left off, I had already built a system that would allow me to get the content I needed from the site, and display it to the user. The next step that I have to do is make a database that will store my parsed content in a well accessed, and organized fashion. If you want to return back to Part 1 please click here.

Building a Ruby gem to learn about web scraping (Part 1)

One of the most interesting things to discover while learning a programming language is how you can implement that knowledge into an idea, and then transform it into a reality.